Jonathan Samuel Eddie
Spoken word ARTIST
Teaching artist
Shaw High School
Class of 1999 Reunion Shirts

Get your SHS Class of '99 Reunion Shirt Today! These shirts are available for purchase for a limited time only. Please be sure to purchse your shirt(s) by Friday, June 14th. The back includes the names of every member of our graduating class in the form of a "20", representing our 20th year anniversary.
T-shirts are $25 (S, M, L, XL, XXL and XXL).
If you are local to the Columbus, we will set up a pick-up window/location ( July 1st - 7th).
If you are attending the reunion, we will have your shirt order available to you at check-in.
If you are not local/not attending the reunion. Please provide your mailing address in the comments/notes section of the order. Those orders will be mailed out July 1st - 7th.
If you ordered either of the reunion weekend packages, shirt(s) are included with your order.